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Sweet Family Vacation...

1 Chronicles 16:34 - "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; His love endures forever."

Every August, the Farmer clan (Daniel's parents and siblings) heads to Table Rock Lake in Missouri for some fun for about 10 days. His grandparent's own a lakehouse overlooking the lake and we always have a great time wakeboarding, skiing, waverunning, playing games, touring Silver Dollar City (an 1880's style amusement park with all sorts of shops, rides, etc in Branson) , and just having sweet fellowship together.

A picture Katherine took of me before we headed out on vacation:)

Grandpa and Matthew taking the waverunner for a spin. Matthew loved this!

It's always great to be around people who are so encouraging, uplifting, and love the Lord with everything they are. I always feel so near to God when I am watching a beautiful sunset/sunrise over the lake and am away from all the business of city life. I loved getting up in the mornings and going for a jog before everyone else got up. I took this picture on my cell phone...

Here is a picture of the awesome Farmer women...Ashley (my sister-in law), Mom Farmer, and Kristina (my sister-in-law). I just love this picture (and these girls!!)!

This year we had more rain during the trip than we normally have, but it was still a great vacation. When it rained, we just played more games, performed talent shows, and watched our ski runs from that day or previous days. We also went to Branson one day and saw a musical show called "Noah" was AWESOME! We sat in the auditorium and they had live animals and during the show, they made the entire stage (front and both sides) into a multi-tiered ark. It was amazing! If you're ever in Branson, it's worth the money to go see!

While we were in Branson, we went to Silver Dollar City. It's a really neat amusement park that has lots of rides, shops, musical shows, and more. They have glass blowing, candle making, basket weaving, and all sorts of different shops like they had in the late 1800's. Very neat! Here are a few pictures from our day at Silver Dollar City.

Christopher after munching on some yummy Kettle corn...

A fun ride in the kiddy section...we all liked it though!

Katherine taking an "udderly" awesome picture:)

This year was a lot of fun for me because I made some improvements in wakeboarding! I still have lots of work to do to catch up to everyone else, but this year I was able to make small jumps over the wakes and cross both of them. Last year I had a hard time just going across ONE wake, so this was great improvement for me! Baby steps! Now I just need to keep improving for next year!

Getting up...

Daniel and his cool spray landing...

It sure is hard to come back to reality after having an awesome week with family and filling every day with fun. These were some precious shots Daniel took during the last few days of our vacation. Sweet hugs and kisses... XXOO

Funny face...

I am so thankful to have an awesome family who we can spend 10 days with and not get tired of each other, but actually miss each other more! We had a great time with each other and I'm so blessed to be part of an awesome Godly family!

Psalm 126: 2-3 ~ "Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.' The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."


reginaerwin said…
i love your blog site... what an amazing job you have done with it all... i'm super impressed... and plan on coming back to see what all is up with you and your sweet family :o)
happy last few days of summer... enjoy the first week of school!!!!
;o) regina

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